Sunday, June 19, 2011

How Real Is His Love To You?

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

I was meditating on these words from 1 John 3:1 as we celebrated Father's Day yesterday. I have a wonderful husband that is a great dad to our children, and I have an amazing dad myself. They are both caring men who have provided for the needs of their children and have taught them many good things. My husband and my dad are examples to me of God's love, and I have never had trouble picturing God as a loving Father because of them. I know God loves me like that and even more so, but I don't always live as if I believe it. Sometimes God's love seems distant and abstract, but only because I allow it to become less to me than I should. I sometimes think and live as if I'm an abandoned orphan rather than a dearly loved child of God. His love is always there but often clouded by my own unbelief. Perhaps you can relate to feeling less loved by God than you actually are.

I wrote the following poem as a reminder of all the ways God's love is so evident and available to me. No matter what I have done or haven't done; No matter what is going on in my life or around me, I can cling tightly to my Father's love to stay afloat and live in peace, joy, and strength. I hope you are blessed. May you live more completely in God's love for you each day.

How Real Is My Love

How real is My love for you, child
As real as the food on your table
And the home where you dwell
And the clothes that you wear
Am I real to you like that

How real is My love for you, child
As real as the car you drive
And the work you do
And the fun you enjoy
Am I real to you like that

How real is My love for you, child
As real as the friendships you cherish
And the blessings of family
And the place you call home
Am I real to you like that

How real is My love for you, child
As real as the anger you hold
And the regrets you have
And the sins you hide
Am I real to you like that

How real is My love for you, child
As real as the forgiveness I give
And the peace you long for
And the healing I bring
Am I real to you like that

How real is My love for you, child
As real as the loss of someone dear
And the pain you feel
And the loneliness inside
Am I real to you like that

How real is My love for you, child
As real as the Bible in your hands
And the promise of glory
And the hope of tomorrow
Am I real to you like that

How real is My love for you, child
As real as the gifts you possess
And the cry of those in need
And the love you can show
Am I real to you like that

How real is My love for you, child
As real as the needs you have
And the longings of your heart
And the waiting you endure
Am I real to you like that

How real is My love for you, child
As real as the songs you sing
And the cries of your heart
And the truth and the light
Am I real to you like that

How real is My love for you, child
As real as the blessings you have today
And the beauty that surrounds you
And the grace in My eyes
Am I real to you like that

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