Thursday, November 4, 2010

Resting In His Love

"Go and make preparations for us to eat the you enter the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him to the house that he enters and say to the owner of the house, "The teacher asks, 'Where is the great room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?'" He will show you a large upper room, all furnished. Make preparations there." Luke 22:8-12

Jesus gives His disciples instructions about where to make preparations for the Passover meal, but He had already led a rich man to prepare a room that they would find waiting for them. The disciples were to prepare for the Passover, but Jesus had already prepared a place.

We may have things Jesus instructs us to do, but any prerequisites to what we 'bring to the table' will already be in place. Sometimes we are the one setting a room up for others to come and do their part. It's not always possible to know the role we play. All we can do is what Jesus leads us to do and trust that it's part of the grand plan. And the most important element is always what Jesus does Himself--the love He shows. Our role is to help others and ourselves to get ready for the blessing He already has waiting.

I was thinking about this as it relates to the books I write. The stories talk about God's love and teach about it. They remind others (and myself) of His love, but He will always show that love in real ways. The books prepare the mind and heart; but when His love comes, it's not just a fictional story anymore, it's real.

His love was made very real for me this week as my husband faced some serious medical issues. Jesus carried me through the anxiety and brought about a very good outcome. I was also blessed by others who came alongside to offer practical help and many prayers for us. And most of all, I was reminded of God's great provision for me all these years with such a wonderful man to share my life with. The evidence of God's love is so great!

How has God made His love to you more than a nice sentiment? How have you seen it? How has His love been demonstrated to you this week, and as you look back? Meditating on God's love is always a good idea. I hope you take some time to rest in it today.

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