Sunday, December 15, 2013

Secret Gifts

12 Days of Christmas: Day Five

My siblings and I have a tradition of exchanging Secret Santa gifts every year. Between the five of us and the three "outlaws" we allow to participate, it's nearly impossible to figure out who-has-whom until Christmas Day when the secret is revealed and the gifts are opened. I say nearly impossible because my sister Cindy has been known to figure it out--and probably more times than she admits!

It's a fun tradition, and we take our gift-giving seriously. These aren't gag-gifts we try to outwit each other with every year. We give nice things that have been requested, or our best guess of what that person needs or would like. It's one of the highlights of Christmas for me, and no, I'm not telling whose name I have this year!

What is it about good secrets that are so fun and joyful? Secrets can be a bad thing that cause a lot of devastation and pain--but good secrets are the complete opposite. The subject of secrets can be found in the Bible more often than you may think. There are bad secrets like when David had an affair with Bathsheba and then sent her husband to the front lines of battle to be killed. He didn't get away with it and later penned these words of repentance: You desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. (Psalm 51:6) The word for 'inmost place' can also be translated as 'secret'.

Jesus talked about good secrets. Secrets of The Kingdom. His Parables contain secret messages about God's character and ways, among other things, and take serious thought to figure out. And He talked about having a secret-life with God in the areas of prayer, giving, and worship. Prayer is meant to be personal--confession, sharing your deepest needs, listening to what God has to say specifically to your heart.

Giving is also meant to be a secret activity. Not something to do for show or to impress others or gain praise. It's an act of trust between you and God. Giving to others with the belief He will provide for your needs. And acts of personal worship such as fasting will be much more valuable when you keep it to yourself. Personal moments between you and God: There is no public reward that could be more valuable.

Personally I have found these secret moments are more about what God gives to me than I give to Him. At Christmas we talk about giving to Jesus--it's His birthday after all. But what Jesus wants is for us to receive what He has for us because we are needy people. We are in need of His grace. That's why He came: To save us. In Luke 9:23 He says, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me." These words are often interpreted as, 'Put aside your own needs. Stop thinking about yourself. Carry the cross you are meant to bear and live your life for Me.' But that is not the heart of Jesus.

When He says, 'Deny yourself,' He means, 'Stop trying to be self-sufficient. You can't do life on your own, so stop trying. You can't save yourself so 'lift up' that heavy cross you bear and let Me carry it for you. Just follow Me--you don't have to figure out your own way. I'll show you.'

This Christmas, share secrets with Jesus. Confess to Him what you need to confess and receive His forgiveness. Share your burdens, needs, and desires with Him, and then listen to the secrets He has for you. Engage with Him on secret missions to impact others for good. Worship Him in ways others may not see, recognize, or understand but He gets perfectly.  Hear Him say, 'I know where your heart is. I know what you need more than you do. I know the secrets to a life of blessing, purpose, and joy. Just come to Me and I'll get you there.'

"Come to me, all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest...learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29)

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